Sunday, January 31, 2010

Zoo Visit

One of Bia's friends at school had her birthday party at the zoo on Saturday. D and Chatty joined a little late as she had a soccer game. It was the first time the girls had been to the zoo and they had a great time. Below are some pics ....

During the party portion - coloring masks

All of the 2-3 year olds

Bia and her buddy S

Eyeing the cake ... loves sweets just like Mommy and Daddy

A hug for the birthday girl

Hanging with the Baboons!

Bia and her buddies in the wagon!

The girls checking things out

The girls and Mommy on the carousel

Daddy and the girls on the carousel
As you can see we all had fun - great day with Bia's friends and a fun family day too!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday Night

So when I went to check on Bia tonight I found her like this. Please note - I did tuck her in with her head on her puppy bone pillow and she opted to move ... I did uncover her head so she and her animals could breathe!

Because I took Bia's picture, Chatty insisted I take hers too (yes everything has to be equal). This is her victory smile because our GO Cats won tonight. She watched them on the computer while we listened (and she chatted) to them on the radio - they weren't televised tonight.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

An Evening Out

D and I went to a party on Saturday night and left the girls with a sitter. When we came home, this is where we found them - our bed. Notice all of the stuffed animals? The girls tend to be hoarders when it comes to sleeping with stuffed animals. Please note the following photos were taken within 5 minutes and depict the events that occurred as we woke them up to move them to their beds....

Needless to say Bia was not happy about moving to her bed!

Below are some pictures from this afternoon -
Bia has been dying to ride Chatty's old bike

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lack of Posts and Lack of Pictures

Sorry for the lack of posts and pictures. No excuses but we have been busy with our daily chaos. I am sure you all understand. Bia got sick this week. Luckily D was off on Monday so he and the girls stayed home. Tuesday D worked from home and yesterday I did. Bia seems to be back to normal now ... yeah! Hopefully our crazy rainy weather (not sure if you heard but we even had a tornado watch today - crazy weather in the desert) won't cause the rest of us to get sick. D has been fighting a cold the past few days too ... Chatty scored a goal in her soccer game last week and Poppa got it on camera, as soon as I get it, I will post it. As usual that was an exciting event for her (and us)! Some pictures from the week (sorry - none of Chatty!)

My first sewing project. D's mom bought me a machine this summer and I finally found a good starter project. Our ever so gentle (not) girls knock the closet doors off the track frequently, so we decided to take them off for good in Bia's room. I bought some fabric and sewed some curtains for her closet doors(yes the left one is a little shorter - I kind of messed up with the scissors - remember this is my 1st project). I think she needs her name or something (wood or foam letters hanging from the top) to give it some pizazz ... but that will be another project.

Sick Day #2 - Quality time with puppy

Sick Day #3 - Playing her matching game

In bed tonight with all of her animals (4 dogs, 1 monkey)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Little Change

I decided to change up the look of the blog with some new pictures and some new nicknames for the girls. As most of you know LAD is quite the talker, hence her nickname Chatty Cathy. SLD has been called Bia (Sophia Bia) since she was a baby so that's how we (I) came up with Sweet Bia. Don't let the name fool you, she is anything but sweet if she wants something and you won't give it to her!

Hope you are all having a good week. I think we are finally back into our routine after the holidays and the trip to Tampa. Next big event is a trip to Vegas (girls only - no kids!) for my Aunt Susan's big birthday bash next month! My friend Amy is going with me (it is her birthday too)! It should be lots of fun.

Chatty (aka LAD) starts the new season of soccer this Saturday. I am not looking forward to it as much as past seasons as most of our core team has left. She and a few other girls are the oldest on the team and will most likely dominate (as they did last season). We plan on switching to a different league next fall. We are even thinking we may switch sports .. not sure. I will try to post some pics this weekend or early next week! TGIF tomorrow! Gotta run - college football BCS title game on tv right now!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Trip To Florida ...

But this time it was to the west coast for a wedding. It felt so weird to be in Florida and not be in Daytona and visiting family! We're sorry we didn't have time to trek over there, we thought of you a lot while we were in Tampa though! L kept asking why we couldn't see Granny, Mama, Edie, Aunt Susan, Jack, etc.

L was a great flower girl (I was very nervous but she did great)! She had a great time and loved hanging out with the ring bearer (who is 3 years older than her but about the same height!)! We missed having S with us but she was spoiled a ton by Nana and Poppa! Here are some pics from the wedding festivities.
At the rehearsal dinner with her Godfather Uncle Greg

Visiting the merchant ship USS Victory

Not sure she would make the best captain

L and the Groom to be - he may throw her overboard!
Ready for the wedding
L and Angie

L and the ring bearer - isn't he cute?
So sweet!
Not sure what was up with my camera and the haze ...

The Bride's Sister (a Kindergarten teacher) and L
The two ring bearers and the flower girl
She absolutely loved him! He was so sweet!

The couple dancing the night away

Dancing with her Godfather
Dancing with the bride and groom