Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Been A While

I am not sure why I haven't been updating this blog .. let's see maybe it's work or the kids or D ... it just seems like we are always on the go these days.  Chatty has soccer practice two days a week and Bia has swim lessons one day a week.  Between that, my longer commute to work and Chatty's homework each night we are going non-stop. 

Chatty is loving soccer and school.  She had an awesome week this past week.  She aced her spelling test and rock (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) test and rock presentation.  Yesterday she scored her team's only goal.  Let's hope the coming week is just as exciting.  Bia is testing us in every way.  The thing is she is so smart and really knows how to use her sweet smile to get what she wants! 

D and I are good just busy.  I think I need to get him to start updating the blog too so it will be updated more frequently ... hope y'all are well.  I know I say this all the time but I will try to get better about updating.  Lastly (since that's the real reason you even check the blog) below are some pics from Chatty's soccer game yesterday.

Bia's spot for the game

 This umbrella has come in super handy

 Hydrating in the desert heat

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Day of Sunday School

Today was the first day of Sunday School for the girls (during the summer they group all of the younger kids together).  I am co-teaching Chatty's class again and Bia is in the 3 year old class across the hall from us (she graduated from the nursery).  Since it was the first day we tried to get a few pics before church ...

I wanted one of the three of us - but Bia wasn't cooperating

So D zoomed in on Chatty and me!

Finally she sort of looked in the right direction!

Monday, September 6, 2010


This weekend we celebrated a couple things - first off - the start of Chatty's new soccer season. Her team had a scrimmage on Saturday night against a team with girls a year older than Chatty and her teammates. Chatty's team lost but they had fun and played hard. Chatty had the assist on the only goal scored by her team.

On Sunday she was asked to play up on another team from our league.  She held her own with the older girls!  D and I were very proud of her. 

Yesterday D and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary.  The girls spent the night at Nana and Poppa's house so we had a nice quiet afternoon, evening and morning to ourselves!
12 years ago ....
