Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's Been Crazy Around Here ...

I know I always have an excuse for not updating the blog - but this time I have a few really good excuses.  I promise I am trying to update weekly but things have been crazy around here.  I was in NJ for work last week for four days.  It was a good trip but it is always nice to get home to D and the girls. 

On Friday I got a call from daycare saying Bia had fallen and hit her head.  Luckily I was on my way home when I received the call.  Our neighbor picked up Chatty and D met me at daycare.  The fireman came to check her out and said it was ok for us to transport her to the ER.  A few scary moments, several tears shed by Bia and me and 5 staples in the back of her head and we were good to go.  Bia was such a trooper!  She did so well.  The pictures below were taken the day after the "accident".

We used one of my headbands to hold the bandage on.  No they didn't shave her hair - just stapled right over it!

This girl below has been having some issues feeling special with all of the attention her sister received.  We have been doing our best to make her feel special and if we don't do a good job she is quick to remind us!

My goofy girls!

Grandma and Grandpa are coming to town on Friday for a week.  The girls are so excited.  They are looking forward to their special time with Grandma and Grandpa while Daddy and Mommy are at work.  Then the following week I am headed to Minnesota for work for a week!  Hopefully I will get a nice break from traveling after that trip!  Take care and I will try and post some pictures next week!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

As usual I am behind in my blogging.  We had a great 4th of July weekend here in the desert.  We started off the weekend having Nana and Poppa over for dinner on Friday night.  Nana brought red velvet cupcakes.  The girls love cupcakes!

Bia and Nana

Bia giving Poppa a smooch

Silly little Bia!
4th of July centerpiece

Bia was not happy with the swimsuit I picked out for her
She changed shortly after this picture!
D and our neighbor Jim
Chatty playing pool basketball

Bia and her Daddy

Goggle Girl floating around
Sisters with crazy pool hair!

Enjoying homemade icre cream and homemade cookies!

We hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend!  I can't believe it is almost the middle of July.  Summer is half over for Chatty.  Before I know it she will be a 1st grader!  Wow where does the time go!