Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We hope you are having a great Memorial Day weekend! Don't forget to thank those who have served and and those who are currently serving our country! Thanks to my brother Lee who is currently serving and all of the men in our family who have served! We appreciate all that you do for our country!

Below are some pics of what we have been up to this weekend!

Nan's birthday celebration on Friday night ... we used Chatty's #6 candle

Our friends' brought these back from Hawaii for the girls ... super cute

I made a cake for our neighbor's birthday

Can you tell what the one on the right is???  WII controller ...

The birthday boy and Goggle Girl
Hope you all are enjoying the holiday weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

We officially have a 1st Grader in the house.  Chatty had her Kindergarten Culmination aka Graduation today.  She was super excited but sad too - she doesn't want to leave Miss J (who is fabulous).  Nana and Poppa joined us for the festivities ...

Each class had a different color "Kindergarten Rocks" t-shirt

Receiving her certificate from her principal

In class afterwards enjoying brunch

A photo with the proud parents

And the proud grandparents

The fabulous Miss J and Chatty

Chatty, Miss J and me - we will miss her next year!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's Been Awhile

I know it has been awhile since I last posted. Somehow the last two weeks have gotten away from me. Part of it I can blame on a last minute trip to NJ and PA. I had to fly back on business and we ended up making it a family trip. We dropped the girls off at Grandma and Grandpa's house and headed to NJ for two nights. While we were there we visited with Cousin R and Aunt D. Then we headed back to PA.  It was a quick trip but we all had a good time. We didn't take many pictures but here are a few we did take.

Grandma and her girls

Chatty playing the piano with Cousin R and Uncle P


Cousin R got bored with picture taking

It's hard getting all 5 to smile and look in the camera

Grandpa reading a bedtime story

Visiting the Iron Pigs Minor League Stadium

Chatty is a Pigs fan!

Playing bubbles with Grandpa

Bia loving on Grandpa!